No big shopping trips this week, we don't need it!
I did find a couple rockin deals that I wanted to grab while I had the coupons.
Here we go!
General Mills Cereals were $1.88 at CVS this week. I ad matched at Walmart as I was leaving work and got these 4 using $1 off 2 coupons making each box $1.38!
I had 3 more KoolAid/Kraft BBQ Sauce coupons (buy 2 of the sauce and get $2 off a canister of KoolAid). I ad matched the Sauce to Fry's 99 cents and the KoolAid to Fry's $1.99 although the cashier said "but... that's only a penny difference..." to which I replied "yes". Basically I made a penny on each KoolAid.
The Almay Eye Makeup Removers were $1.14 each. I used 5 $1 off coupons for any Almay remover making each one only 14 cents!
For all of this I paid $13.01 for $29.54 worth of merchandise. A 56% savings which is super high for Walmart!!
After leaving work, I went to two CVSs to get all of this. I got 4 boxes of cereal at each CVS and one of the .... what is that crap called ... Electro Nyte Rehydration Shot. It's supposedly some kind of hangover cure and it is free this week at CVS. Ordinarily I would have passed on it as I don't drink, but it just so happened that I had just had a conversation with my boss on that subject so I got it for her kinda as a joke... kinda not. LOL
Anyway, as I had two $4 CVS extrabux I only spent $4.20 total at CVS last night.

Then I went to CVS again today. I got 4 more boxes of cereal and these three pepperoni/cheese things on clearance for 50 cents each and spent $7.17 for all of it.
In all I spent $11.37 at CVS on $65.37 worth of merchandise for a savings of 83%.
A funny side story... the CVS I went to today has a manager that has come to know me. Today while looking for the cereal, I found 5 boxes of Cinnamon Cheerios that were out of date so I pulled them and took them to him.
I was trying to be helpful but I think I embarrassed him. Poor guy. I really meant well, I'm in retail for cripes sake. Crap happens. I thought he was lucky it was me that found them.
After CVS last night, I went to one Walgreens. Suave is on a sale wherein you get $2 register rewards if you buy 2. I bought 8. Two at a time to make sure I got 4 $2 register rewards. I basically paid 9 1/2 cents per bottle. I kept a couple that I knew my son would use but the rest went into my "donate to the teen shelter" pile. I plan on getting more later this week, IF I can still find it.
The gum was 3 for $2 using a coupon on the back of this week's circular. I bought 6 and used 3 50cents off two coupons making the sale more like 6 for $2.50 making them about 42 cents a pack. This is a great addition to the gum stockpile I have for my kids! (I don't chew gum because I tend to bite myself. Don't Judge!)
This morning, I went back to Walgreens to get Pepsi which was on sale with the coupon in the circular for 4/$4. I used two of my register rewards from last night and paid 7 cents for the four two-liter bottles!
All 6 of these Walgreen's transactions cost me $11.40 on $24.60 worth of merchandise. When I was going over my receipts I was disappointed that my savings percentage was low but then I remembered that I still have $4 in register rewards left meaning that I basically paid only $7.40 and now my percentage is 70%!
And lastly, I also went to Target today. I had my last, about to expire, $2.25 off any Nivea men's facial care product coupon. To stack it with, Target blessed me with another $2 off any Nivea men's facial care product mobile coupon. This meant that the $4.89 Nivea only cost me 64 cents. The glade was also a coupon stacking deal. It was $2.99, I had a $2 manufacturer coupon and a 50 cent target coupon so it cost 49 cents. With tax I paid $1.76 at Target which was a 78% savings!
All shopping trips saved me $89.85 on $127.39 worth of product, a 71% savings!!
I still have another set of coupons for the glade, a bunch of Right Guard coupons to stack with Target coupons, more Suave, free toothpaste (hopefully *cross fingers*) to get later this week. Plus I am eagerly awaiting the grocery store circulars which come tomorrow to see what great deals I can get at Albies and Fry's.
Til next time....