Today I have Robin's Egg nails to show and tell.
I'm not sure where I got the idea, but I found this blue at work and had to do something with it. It is Revlon Blue Lagoon. The spots are Revlon Hot Chocolate (or Hot Mockolate because it was originally a little too dark for me so I lightened it) and Wet & Wild White Creme.
I'd like to point out that while yes, it is a week after Easter and yes, those are decorative Easter lights - the lights are on their way to storage... next week.
One of these days, I'll start posting decent pics too. This photo was actually taken with my daughter's way-too-expensive-out-of-the-blue camera that she got from her father for Christmas (nope, nothing suspicious there, but I digress) however we had to use my itty-bitty-can-you-imagine? 128 mb memory card. No really. Quit laughing.
I guess next weekend I'm going to have to sort out the photos on all my other memory cards or I'm not going to have one for my trip to Wisconsin at the end of the month. (6 more work days! Woot-woot!)
Haven't been cooking at all for the last week. I'm thinking of making Chicken Masala next weekend, but we'll see.
Til next time...
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